Wednesday, April 9, 2014

From Student to Stakeholder

What are the top three things to communicate when introducing the concept of technology integration to students?

This is a question that I asked myself two years ago when Shelbyville Middle School purchased 8 carts of 30 iPads for students to use in the classroom and went to B.Y.O.T (bring your own technology).  

1.  Students need to have a clear understanding of appropriate use of technology in the school (not just the classroom). 
This involves several aspects of using a device for education.  
Big ideas here would be: 

  • using the device for the intended lesson
  • using devices for academic purposes not personal
  • when you can and cannot use a device.
2. Digital Citizenship is the next important topic that needs to be communicated to students.  Children have this idea that what they say behind a screen name is hidden or a picture they text to a friend won't go any further.  Misconceptions like this need to be addressed over and over again to remind students of the truth about social media and internet safety. 

3. Actually knowing how to use different devices is another key thing when integrating technology into education.  Most adults think that kids now are all techy and can navigate any device you hand them.  This is not quite the case.  Students spend too much time looking for the app they are supposed to be on or finding out to un-invert the background of the iPad when learning how to do those things in a sufficient manor needs to be addressed the first time students get devices in their hands in the classroom.  A minute here and a minute there might not seem like a big deal, but some students spend several minutes searching for a fix on the device before they ever ask for help.  So knowing the "how to" to the devices is a must.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up many valid points, Molly--a great foundation for your stakeholder project (if you decide to stay with this stakeholder group)! : >
